If you are experiencing life-threatening conditions, including bluish lips or difficulty breathing, call 911.
Lyon County Public Health and CareArc are currently offering COVID-19 testing. We follow the current CDC guidelines for criteria for testing. COVID-19 tests are available at no cost to you. If you can not make your appointment for your COVID-19 test, please cancel it. Canceling your appointment allows us to schedule someone else in that time slot.
Please park directly in front of CareArc and call the number listed on the sign to let our staff know that you have arrived.
At the vaccine clinic: Please bring your ID / Driver's License or Birth Certificate to verify your birth day, or work ID or pay stub to verify employment.
If you need assistance in scheduling your COVID-19 test, please call our COVID-19 Hotline at 620-208-3741. Appointments are limited and you will not get an earlier appointment by calling.